Tantric massage


Tantric massage

Tantric massage for adult men & women

Is an excellent way to let go of stress and gain the most incredible sensory impressions.

Tantra massagge is an ancient form of art, in which the sense of touch helps us rejoin our body, renew the contact with our carnality by treating bodies with love and delicacy. By creating contact and falling in love with our bodies we are able to gain more pleasure from intimate moments with the partner.

Tantric massage is an incredible body & mind massage, which teaches us how to be content with our bodies . Tantra is a completely different genre of massage, special and wonderful. It consists of working with human’s energy which provokes the unlock of chakra points.

It leads to a deep state of relax, heals the body & mind, awakens vital forces and relieses body tension, but also unlocks different inhibitions in our bodies. Thanks to Tantra we can gain back the joy of life & understand what other person’s touch feels like. It shows how to improve sexual intimacy, physical contact and pleasure coming from the touch. Relieses muscle pressure.

The massage is performed on a special mat. Masseuse/masseur without underwear disturbing the movements performs the massage with her/his whole body, hands and arms. The movements are slow and delicate. Starting from the head it goes into the direction of the feet.

The touch of the whole body is slow and very sensual, hand and arm movements connect with the body like in a snake’s hug, aromatic & hot oil makes the whole experience even more intense. Vibrating energy provokes the body to heal from locks, limits, feelings of hurt and opens our heart.

This form of massage leads to the reliese of the tension in main muscles, reduces stress, improves circulation, improves self-esteem, but also improves your emotional life. Furthermore it provides the feeling of calm and wellness, while delicate, loving, sensual, meditational and slow movements of the masseuse incredibly intensify your feelings and create only positive vibes.